Wednesday, 27 May 2015

One Simple Way To Overcome Fear, Laziness and Excessive Hunger

Causes of fear, laziness and excessive hunger

Fear :

Fear is an emotion induced by a threat perceived by living entities, which causes a change in brain and organ function and ultimately a change in behavior, such as running away, hiding or freezing from traumatic events.


Although laziness is common and a natural part of life, it has the potential to completely consume us.

I personally have times where laziness causes me to feel trapped. No matter what I do, I cannot seem to shake it off. I feel tired, I fall asleep constantly during the day, I sit around a lot and feel unable to be active, I avoid doing anything productive, and put on hold things that I want to accomplish.

I believe there are two kinds of laziness. First, there’s the kind where you have been working your butt off for weeks and finally after all your hard work all you want to do is be lazy and do nothing.

But then there’s the kind of laziness where you struggle to find motivation. Every time you think of something you would like to do or achieve, you cannot find the energy or drive to work toward it. This is the kind of laziness that I am talking about.

Being lazy is actually quite draining and depressing. I know because I regularly find myself feeling so lethargic that even the simplest task seems like a challenge.

Excessive hunger:

However, a significantly increased appetite over a prolonged period could be a symptom of a serious illness, such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism. If you are experiencing excessive hunger that is ongoing, make an appointment to see your doctor. Your doctor may refer to this condition as hyperphagia or polyphagia.

I’m sure I’m not alone in this struggle. there is an easy and effective way to overcome fear, laziness and excessive hunger, that I want to share with you so you can win your personal battle too

Below is the mudra which could make you overcome from the above said problems.

Samaana Mudra 

As shown in the figure, join the tip of all your fingers. Do it in both the hands.

Duration: 15-30 minutes


This is beneficial to

Control laziness,
Relieve fear,
Reduce uneasiness in body caused by gastritis which causes excessive hunger.

Do's and Dont's:

Mudra should be done in sitting/lying position and not while walking /standing position.

Leave a gap of 30 minutes before and after eating or even bathing. 

Concentrate on the purpose of doing the mudra.

Women can do mudra even during menstural problem.

while doing mudra keep your feet either on the mat or wearing slippers.

People wearing spectacles must do the mudra only after removing it.

Practice mudra only after 30 minutes while taking any medicines.

Avoid tight jewels in hand and finger while doing mudra.

This method is been come into act years before,  but it was not taken into act by anyone. This ancient art is brought to you to save mankind from all ailments. 

Practice this mudra which is an easy and simple way to overcome fear, laziness and excessive hunger...

Have a wonderful days ahead....

Friday, 15 May 2015

1 Easy Step To Cure : Snoring, Chest Pain and Strengthen Lungs Naturally, Effectively

What causes snoring ?

Snoring happens when you can't move air freely through your nose and mouth during sleep. Often caused by the narrowing of your airway, either from poor sleep posture or abnormalities of the soft tissues in your throat. A narrow airway gets in the way of smooth breathing and creates the sound of snoring.

How to strengthen Lungs?

Patients with chronic lung problems have difficulty exercising. Shortness of breath is a major limitation in most patients, but in about a third, muscle fatigue is an even greater problem. Although exercise does not improve lung function, training helps many patients with chronic lung disease by strengthening their limb muscles, thus improving endurance and reducing breathlessness.

In people who already have colds, exercise has no effect on the illness' severity or duration. People should avoid strenuous physical activity when they have fevers, muscle aches, or other symptoms of a widespread viral illness. 

There are medications all all the above said problems. First thing never thing you are sick. Be strong, think positively. Here am going to tell you a natural remedy for snoring, chest pain and for strengthening lungs. Below mudra could help you to get rid of those problems and helps you to function normally. 

In my blog i have explained about mudra and how it been used for different ailments or problems.

Aanai Mudra 

As shown in the figure, touch the tip of your thumb with the tips of your index and middle finger, keeping the other fingers straight. Do it in both the hands.

Duration: 20-30 minutes


This mudra is beneficial in

Strengthening the lungs
Curing allergies in the respiratory tract,
Preventing snoring,
Strengthening the large intestine.

Do's and Dont's

Mudra should be done in sitting/lying position and not while walking /standing position.

Leave a gap of 30 minutes before and after eating or even bathing. 

Concentrate on the purpose of doing the mudra.

Women can do mudra even during menstural problem.

While doing mudra keep your feet either on the mat or wearing slippers.

People wearing spectacles must do the mudra only after removing it.

Practice mudra only after 30 minutes while taking any medicines. 

Avoid tight jewels in hand and finger while doing mudra.

Practice makes a man perfect. so practice the above mudra which doesnt have any side effects. Its natural which is been practiced by our own fingers. Only thing you need is time. No need of money to spend. Just do as mentioned in above method and get cure from Snoring, Chest Pain and Strengthen Lungs Naturally, Effectively and lead a healthy and strong life

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Effective way to get rid of morning sickness or laziness

Causes of morning sickness even doctors aren't sure, but the most popular theory is that morning sickness is the body's reaction to the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is produced at higher levels during the first trimester than at any other time during pregnancy.

But nowadays not only pregnant womens facing this. Half of the people around are facing this. At times it gives fear too. There is a remedy for this sickness or laziness and fear. This is not a medication. Its a treatment which is practiced with the help of our fingers. its called as "MUDRA".

In my blog have explained about mudra and how its used for different health related problems. Now below is the mudra which is helpful for getting rid from morning sickness, fear and laziness. 

Samaana Mudra 

As shown in the figure, join the tip of all your fingers. Do it in both the hands. 

Duration: 15-30 minutes


This is beneficial to

  1. Control laziness,
  2. Relieve fear,
  3. Reduce uneasiness in body caused by gastritis.

Do's and Dont's

Mudra should be done in sitting/lying position and not while walking /standing position.

Leave a gap of 30 minutes before and after eating or even bathing. 

Concentrate on the purpose of doing the mudra.

Women can do mudra even during menstural problem.

While doing mudra keep your feet either on the mat or wearing slippers.

People wearing spectacles must do the mudra only after removing it.

Practice mudra only after 30 minutes while taking any medicines. 

Avoid tight jewels in hand and finger while doing mudra.

This rare treasure is brought to you to save mankind. Do this mudra everyday and you could see the result and get rid from morning sickness, fear and laziness. Have a freshful morning and stay fresh all through the day...

Powerful Remedy For Back Pain

Reason for back pain and it causes and remedy:

The causes is due to the way your spine moves or the way you feel when you move your spine in certain ways. Perhaps the most common mechanical cause of back pain is a condition called intervertebral disc degeneration, which simply means that the discs located between the vertebrae of the spine are breaking down with age. As they deteriorate, they lose their cushioning ability. This problem can lead to pain if the back is stressed. Another cause of back pain is the wearing down of the facet joints, which are the large joints that connect each vertebrae to another. Other mechanical causes of back pain include spasms, muscle tension, and ruptured discs, which are also called herniated discs.

Injuries: Spine injuries such as sprains and fractures can cause either short-lived or chronic back pain. Sprains are tears in the ligaments that support the spine, and they can occur from twisting or lifting improperly. Fractured vertebrae are often the result of osteoporosis, a condition that causes weak, porous bones. Less commonly, back pain may be caused by more severe injuries that result from accidents and falls.

Satta Mudra 

As shown in the figure, touch the tip of your thumb with the tips of your middle and little finger, while the other fingers remain extended. Do it in both the hands.

Duration: 20-30 minutes


This mudra assist to

  • Reduce spinal cord pain,
  • Cure the shivering while walking,
  • Induce peaceful sleep,
  • Cure the defect in the tail of coccygeal bone.

Do's and Dont's

Mudra should be done in sitting/lying position and not while walking /standing position.

Leave a gap of 30 minutes before and after eating or even bathing. 

Concentrate on the purpose of doing the mudra.

Women can do mudra even during menstural problem.

while doing mudra keep your feet either on the mat or wearing slippers.

People wearing spectacles must do the mudra only after removing it.

Practice mudra only after 30 minutes while taking any medicines.

Avoid tight jewels in hand and finger while doing mudra.

Spinal cord pain usually results in injuries, shivering while walking, pain while sitting or when standing or while doing any sort of work. So do this mudra and get rid of this big issue where 99%of people suffer from back pain. Practice this mudra on regular basis on the said period and get the desired result. A powerful remedy for back pain "practice practice practice like a mantra". 

This ancient art is brought out to save mankind from all ailments...

Monday, 11 May 2015

Best Cure For Varicose Vein Problem, Blocks In Coronaries By Using Mudra

What causes coronary heart diseases?

Research suggests that coronary heart disease (CHD) starts when certain factors damage the inner layers of the coronary arteries. These factors include:

  • Smoking
  • High levels of certain fats and cholesterol in the blood
  • High blood pressure
  • High levels of sugar in the blood due to insulin resistance or diabetes
  • Blood vessel inflammation

Plaque might begin to build up where the arteries are damaged. The buildup of plaque in the coronary arteries may start in childhood.

Over time, plaque can harden or rupture (break open). Hardened plaque narrows the coronary arteries and reduces the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart. This can cause angina (chest pain or discomfort).

If the plaque ruptures, blood cell fragments called platelets (PLATE-lets) stick to the site of the injury. They may clump together to form blood clots.

Blood clots can further narrow the coronary arteries and worsen angina. If a clot becomes large enough, it can mostly or completely block a coronary artery and cause a heart attack.

Causes of varicose veins can include:

Arteries carry blood from your heart to the rest of your tissues. Veins return blood from the rest of your body to your heart, so the blood can be recirculated. To return blood to your heart, the veins in your legs must work against gravity. Muscle contractions in your lower legs act as pumps, and elastic vein walls help blood return to your heart. Tiny valves in your veins open as blood flows toward your heart then close to stop blood from flowing backward.


As you get older, your veins can lose elasticity causing them to stretch. The valves in your veins may become weak, allowing blood that should be moving toward your heart to flow backward. Blood pools in your veins, and your veins enlarge and become varicose. The veins appear blue because they contain deoxygenated blood, which is in the process of being recirculated through the lungs.


Some pregnant women develop varicose veins. Pregnancy increases the volume of blood in your body, but decreases the flow of blood from your legs to your pelvis. This circulatory change is designed to support the growing fetus, but it can produce an unfortunate side effect — enlarged veins in your legs. Varicose veins may surface for the first time or may worsen during late pregnancy, when your uterus exerts greater pressure on the veins in your legs. Changes in your hormones during pregnancy also may play a role. Varicose veins that develop during pregnancy generally improve without medical treatment within three months after delivery.

For the above causes there is an effective and easy remedy which can be practiced wherever and whenever we get leisure time. Below mudra could definitely help you to get relief which years or months of medication could do.  Just need to follow method and instruction and get rid from ailments.

Rudra Mudra 

As shown in the figure, touch the tip of your thumb with the tips of your index and ring finger, while the other fingers remain extended. Do it in both the hands. 

Duration: 20-40 minutes


This mudra 

Helps to improve the block in the blood vessels and regulate the blood flow,
Used to control for hernia and lower abdomen pain,
Benefits for varicose vein problem.

Do's and Dont's

Mudra should be done in sitting/lying position and not while walking /standing position.

Leave a gap of 30 minutes before and after eating or even bathing.
Concentrate on the purpose of doing the mudra.

Women can do mudra even during menstural problem.

While doing mudra keep your feet either on the mat or wearing slippers.

People wearing spectacles must do the mudra only after removing it.

Practice mudra only after 30 minutes while taking any medicines. 

Avoid tight jewels in hand and finger while doing mudra.

Practice the above mudra for proper blood flow in the vessels and get rid of varicose pain problem. 

Am sure the above mudra could help you to have a proper flow of blood in coronaries and get relief from varicose vein which any medications could do. Just spend little time and practice this mudra and lead a healthy life. 

This rare treasure is been brought out to save mankind. Stay healthy and be happy

One easy step to cure stomach ulcer and Kidney problems

Causes of stomach ulcer and kidney problems:

Stomach ulcers, also known as gastric ulcers, are open sores that develop on the lining of the stomach.
Ulcers can also occur in part of the intestine just beyond the stomach - these are known as duodenal ulcers.
Both stomach and duodenal ulcers are sometimes referred to as peptic ulcers. Here the term “stomach ulcer” will be used, although the following information applies equally to duodenal ulcers.
The most common symptom of a stomach ulcer is a burning or gnawing pain in the centre of the abdomen.

No single cause has been found for ulcers. However, it is now clear that an ulcer is the end result of an imbalance between digestive fluids in the stomach and duodenum. Most ulcers are caused by an infection with a type of bacteria 

Peptic ulcer disease refers to painful sores or ulcers in the lining of the stomach or first part of the small intestine, called the duodenum.

The kidneys filter waste products and excess salt and water out of the blood, and pass these out of the body as urine. The kidneys also make hormones that control blood pressure, as well as maintain bone metabolism and the production of red blood cells. It's a serious problem when the kidneys stop working. Waste products that build up in the body cause imbalances in chemicals needed to keep the body functioning smoothly.

Kidney problems:

There are many different types of kidney diseases. Kidney diseases can lead to end-stage renal disease, a condition in which the kidneys fail to work normally. People with kidney failure need to receive dialysis or a kidney transplant.

First of all you all should understand there is medications for all sickness. It could be allopathy, homeopathy, siddha, naturopathy etc. It may be curable or may not be. It depends upon the severity. Here am going to tell you about an ancient method which could be practiced along with the medications what you undergo. When you do this below mudra you could see the result in a short time. Mudra is a easy step which could be practiced with the help of our fingers. 

Thrisool Mudra 

As shown in the figure, fold the little finger and place your thumb on it. Keep the other fingers extended. Practice the mudra in both the the hands.

Duration: 10-40 minutes


This mudra is helpful to

Reduce edema in the face and both the limbs

Control running nose,
Cure stomach ulcer and kidney problems.

Do's and Dont's:

Mudra should be done in sitting/lying position and not while walking /standing position.

Leave a gap of 30 minutes before and after eating or even bathing. 

Concentrate on the purpose of doing the mudra.

Women can do mudra even during menstural problem.

While doing mudra keep your feet either on the mat or wearing slippers.

People wearing spectacles must do the mudra only after removing it.

Practice mudra only after 30 minutes while taking any medicines. 

Avoid tight jewels in hand and finger while doing mudra.

Hope the above mudra helps you get relief from ulcer and any sort of kidney problems. Practice this mudra regularly and see the changes. This rare treasure of ancient art is brought to you to save mankind!!!!!!!!!!!!

Effective way to cure calcium deficieny at home

What Causes Calcium Deficiency Disease?

The natural process of aging can cause calcium deficiency disease. Most of the calcium in your body is stored in your bones. As you age, your bones begin to thin, increasing your daily calcium requirement.
It is vital for women to consume the recommended daily dose of calcium during middle age, which is when most women approach menopause. A decline in the hormone estrogen during menopause causes a woman’s bones to thin faster. Most experts agree that menopausal women should increase the amount of calcium in the foods they eat in order to reduce their risk of brittle bone disease (osteoporosis) and calcium deficiency disease. During and after menopause, women should consume about 1,500 mg of calcium every day.
Premature babies, born to diabetic mothers, and those who may have experienced low oxygen levels during gestation, run the risk of developing neonatal hypocalcemia.
The hormone disorder hypoparathyroidism may also cause calcium deficiency disease. People with this condition do not produce enough parathyroid hormone. This hormone controls calcium levels in the blood.
Other causes of calcium deficiency disease include malnutrition (starvation) and malabsorption (when your body cannot absorb the vitamins and minerals it needs from the food you eat).
For this calcium deficiency along with food supplements you could do this mudra regularly and get the desired result and stay healthy. Mudra is easy to practice, no need to put extra effort. Just you all need is leisure time as well follow the steps mentioned below. Lets see how to practice this mudra. 

Akash Mudra 

As shown in the figure, the tip of the middle finger should be touched by the tip of the thumb while keeping the other fingers straight. Do it in both the hands.

Duration: 15-30 minutes


This mudra is useful to

Solve bone related weakness,
Cure mild dizziness, nausea and calcium deficiency,
Immediately cure the twitching and twinkling of the eyes,
Cure muscular cramp and finger's, toe's spasm. 

Do's and Dont's:

Mudra should be done in sitting/lying position and not while walking /standing position.

Leave a gap of 30 minutes before and after eating or even bathing. 

Concentrate on the purpose of doing the mudra.

Women can do mudra even during menstural problem.

while doing mudra keep your feet either on the mat or wearing slippers

People wearing spectacles must do the mudra only after removing it.

Practice mudra only after 30 minutes while taking any medicines. 

Avoid tight jewels in hand and finger while doing mudra.

Do this above mudra and get rid of calcium deficiency by effective way and stay strong and lead a healthy life!!!!!!!!

Home Remedy For Purifying Blood And To Improve Skin Tone

Causes of blood getting impure

There might be several reasons of becoming the blood in the body impure. As for example, keeping awake till late in night watching TV, incomplete sleep, and rising early to go for work creates in mind a sort of tension which culminate into the disease of high blood pressure. The habit of skipping the breakfast of the morning in a hurry for catching up with the schedules of the school, college and hospitals is rising alarmingly giving the challenging temptations to diseases of heart attack, diabetes, obesity, etc to come and make victims. People adopt short cut methods to keep off hunger and make use of junk foods which causes shortfall in the nutritional elements in body lowering down the stamina of the persons. Regular uses of junk foods pose a great danger to the health which directly affects the immune system of our body. This enhances the threat of heart attack 4 times over. The toxic harmful elements carried inside the body through the sources of the junk food increases making the blood impure thus increasing the chances of heart attack, high blood pressure and paralysis etc. 

  1. Pimples on face,
  2. Acne,
  3. Pustules and rashes,
  4. Complications produced from allergies such as headache, jaundice etc,
  5. Wrinkles on faces,
  6. Irritation,
  7. Spinning of head,
  8. Hair loss,
  9. Weakening in the eyesight,
  10. Clamping of joints etc

There are many home remedies for impurity. Why dont we try mudra for this problems and getting our blood purified and get a good skin tone. 

As i have explained in my blog "fingersasdoctor", mudra is a treatment practiced by our own fingers. This is an ancient art and nowadays its coming into act. Lets see which mudra helps for solve this problem. 

Varuna Mudra 



As shown in the figure, touch the tip of   the thumb with tip of the little finger in     both the hands, keep the other fingers       stretched.

Duration: 20-30 minutes


This mudra is useful to

Purify the  blood,
Control disorder occurring due to dehydration,
Cure the pain in the molar teeth,
Induce deep sleep. 

Do's and Dont's:

Mudra should be done in sitting/lying position and not while walking /standing position.

Leave a gap of 30 minutes before and after eating or even bathing. 

Concentrate on the purpose of doing the mudra.

Women can do mudra even during menstural problem.

While doing mudra keep your feet either on the mat or wearing slippers

People wearing spectacles must do the mudra only after removing it.

Practice mudra only after 30 minutes while taking any medicines.
Avoid tight jewels in hand and finger while doing mudra.

Hope this mudra helps in purification of blood and gives a beautiful skin tone. Face is the index of our mind. So when we have a healthy glowing mind and skin everything comes to our way. So do this regularly and get the result and stay healthy and happy....

Saturday, 9 May 2015

How To Stay Motivated And Get Rid Of Fear

One of the most basic human emotions. It is programmed into the nervous system and works like an instinct. From the time we're infants, we are equipped with the survival instincts necessary to respond with fear when we sense danger or feel unsafe.

Fear helps protect us. It makes us alert to danger and prepares us to deal with it. Feeling afraid is very natural — and helpful — in some situations. Fear can be like a warning, a signal that cautions us to be careful.

Like all emotions, fear can be mild, medium, or intense, depending on the situation and the person. 

How Fear Works

When we sense danger, the brain reacts instantly, sending signals that activate the nervous system. This causes physical responses, such as a faster heartbeat, rapid breathing, and an increase in blood pressure. Blood pumps to muscle groups to prepare the body for physical action (such as running or fighting). Skin sweats to keep the body cool. Some people might notice sensations in the stomach, head, chest, legs, or hands. These physical sensations of fear can be mild or strong.

This response is known as "fight or flight" because that is exactly what the body is preparing itself to do: fight off the danger or run fast to get away. The body stays in this state of fight-flight until the brain receives an "all clear" message and turns off the response.

Sometimes fear is triggered by something that is startling or unexpected (like a loud noise) brief or it can last longer., even if it's not actually dangerous. That's because the fear reaction is activated instantly — a few seconds faster than the thinking part of the brain can process or evaluate what's happening. As soon as the brain gets enough information to realize there's no danger ("Oh, it's just a balloon bursting — whew!"), it turns off the fear reaction. All this can happen in seconds.

For all this above cause there is a remedy which can be practiced regularly and get rid of fear. Below mudra gives you complete fearless life. If practiced regularly you can face whatever or which ever scares you.

Bhavana mudra

As shown in the figure, join your hands as you to do welcome(indian style) someone, then fold the middle fingers of each hand accross the other hands. 

Duration: 20-30 minutes


This mudra assist to 

  1. Relieve the feeling of fear(phobia),
  2. Relieve the pain when focus the mind on pain,
  3. Keep the mind in enthusiasm,
  4. Get achievement motivation. 

Do's and Dont's

Mudra should be done in sitting/lying position and not while walking /standing position.

Leave a gap of 30 minutes before and after eating or even bathing. 

Concentrate on the purpose of doing the mudra

Women can do mudra even during menstural problem.

While doing mudra keep your feet either on the mat or wearing slippers

People wearing spectacles must do the mudra only after removing it

Practice mudra only after 30 minutes while taking any medicines. 

Avoid tight jewels in hand and finger while doing mudra.

Stay motivated and get rid of fear by practicing this mudra and lead a healthy and fearless life....

Effective Way To Cure Nasal And Ear Problems Using Mudra

We face ENT related problems often. ENT related problems means as all you know its ears, nose and tongue. We run to the dr and take medications whenever we face it. Some time we wont be able to bare the pain, it may be headache or continuous sneezing, running nose or ear pain, throat infection etc. We all will be in search of medications for faster and sooner relief.  

Instead of medicines why don't you try a fastest and effective method, ot can also be called as home remedy or the at the moment remedy and get cured like medications. Below is the effective method called mudra. This mudra can be practiced at anytime whenever you get problems. This particular mudra gives you relief from all ENT related problems. 


As shown in the figure, keep left hand stretched and using the tip of the right thumb, press the center of the left palm, while all the other fingers of the right hand wraps around the backside of the left palm. 

Duration: 20-30 minutes


This mudra helps to 

  • Cure nasal block, nasal sore, running nose and polyp
  • Cure ENT related problems
  • Cure uvula(inner tongue) disorders.

Do's and Dont's

Mudra should be done in sitting/lying position and not while walking /standing position.
Leave a gap of 30 minutes before and after eating or even bathing. 
Concentrate on the purpose of doing the mudra
Women can do mudra even during menstural problem.
while doing mudra keep your feet either on the mat or wearing slippers
People wearing spectacles must do the mudra only after removing it
Practice mudra only after 30 minutes while taking any medicines. 
Avoid tight jewels in hand and finger while doing mudra.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Lose Weight Faster With a Simple Ancinet Art

What is Mudra?

Mudra means "Fingers As Doctor"

In my blog "natuarlhealforhealth" a post was about how suryanamaskar helped me to lose weight so faster. Not only the exercise helped me to shed kilos, regular practice of MUDRA also made easy to lose weight.    

The science of Mudra as an integral part of Varmam was in wide practice successfully thousands of years ago in India, especially in Southern India particularly among the Tamil population. These techniques are based on self-sustenance. Each and every individual can fulfill the basic medical needs by himself or herself without the need for special tools or external medicines to be introduced.

The ability to control the body and mind through our Fingers is Mudra. In short, the practice of Mudra refers to practicing various finger postures or arrangements over a specific period of time while in a particular state of mind. Our body works on the principles of the Five universal elements i.e. Water(little finger), Earth(ring finger), Sky(middle finger), Air(index finger), Fire(thumb finger). The control center for these elements is our fingers. This is the main secret of the Mudra science!

Lets see how Mudra practice helps to lose weight

There is a saying that an "Apple keeps away the Doctor". As it is, regular practice of Mudra keep us away from taking medicines. Doing Mudra whenever possible loses weight gradually. 

Nowadays we hardly find time to do exercise. For such busy bees introducing a new technique to lose weight gradually. 

As a viewer i too had many question, when i learnt this Mudra from my Guruji, soon after doing regularly this mudra, my doubts was cleared and leading a healthy life. Questions which raised was as below:

1. How just a finger does miracle?

Based on the philosophy of nature, our fingers represents the five elements: water, earth, sky, air and fire. So as to have a regularity in our body's functioning and to have a healthy life, practicing Mudra is very essential. 

2. While doing mudra is there any diet to be followed?

No diet to be followed, but its better to avoid deep fried foods and junk foods which is harmful always whether you do exercise or not. 

3. Which is the ideal time for doing this mudra?

Ideal time for doing mudra is, any other time after 12.00a.m and 3.00a.m as this time considered to be sleeping state. 

4. Which is the ideal place for doing mudra?

There is no particular place for doing mudra as such. The place we sit and sleep is more than enough to do mudra.  

5. Is it possible to get immediate results?

Usually, the changes can be felt immediately. Depending upon the severity. The effect of mudra can be felt by doing continuous usuage.

6. Will there be any side effects for doing this mudra?

Never ever, mudra are not like the medicine from outside, hence we can use it with secure feeling.

7. Can we stand or walk and do mudra?

Its not advisable to do mudra while walking and standing. Better our feet should not touch the floor as there is a possibility for the electricity generated in our body to flow into the ground and get wasted. 

8. Is it necessary to do mudra by both the hands?

 Its good to do by using both the hands. If in any case do in single hand. Keep your hand in any comfortable position. Its more beneficial to keep your palm faced upwards. 

9. How long can we do this mudra in a day?

Per day one can do mudra totally for 1 hour.

10. How do we know if this mudra are benefitting us?

We eat when we hungry, we sleep when we feel sleepy. Likewise by doing this mudra will get us cured when affected.

11. If our fingers don't cooperate to the mudra shown in the figure, then how do we do the mudra?

 "Practice makes A Man Perfect". So don't give up till you succeed. 

So hope all doubts are cleared. Lets start doing mudra for good cause.

As shown in the figure, fold your ring finger and place your thumb on it, while the other fingers remain extended in both the hands.

This Mudra has to be practiced in both the hands. 

Duration : 20-30 minutes 

The name of this weightloss mudra is called SURYA MUDRA

You can do this mudra at a stretch of 30 minutes or leave a gap if you do for 15 minutes and then start by giving frequency. 

Hope my experience displayed helps you to lose weight effectively and naturally.

Thank you and have a great days ahead!