Friday 8 May 2015

Post Pregnancy WeightLoss With Suryanamaskar a Cardioworkout

Use a little tact and you can easily become Slim and Fit 

Sharing My Own Experience

Just spend 15 minutes for doing this workout

Let me share my personal experience about how i lost weight after delivery with Suryanamaskar. I didn't take any diet plan. All say lactating mothers lose weight easily but in my case i have thyroid and i was gaining weight. A sudden physical change after the birth of my baby, everything changed all of a sudden. The initial 40-day period was quite difficult as during that time. During this phase, i was not very strong and get irritated on petty things as i feel suffering physically am not fit and unfit to wear my favorite clothes which was not acceptable the new change in physique. Then with my brother's consent, who is a Yoga master, taught Suryanamaskar. Then i started practicing regularly whenever i get time. Usually it has to be done at sunrise or sunset, but as my baby was just 6 month old when i started doing exercise. So i do only after sleeps in the day time. But i make sure i do it in empty stomach. to do when she sleeps. So i did suryanamaskar as a cardio workout. And i couldn't believe am getting back to my shape. Now baby turned 1 year and 4 months. I have lost 17 kg ie from 86 to 69. Not only, Suryanamaskar helps for loosing weight, it develops strong mind and good for blood circulation all over the body. 

No Dieting, No Painful Exercise. Just Sit, Relax And Read See How It Worked On Me

A sudden physical change

After the birth of my baby, everything changed all of a sudden. The initial 40-day period was quite difficult as during that time. During this phase, i was not very strong and get irritated on petty things as i feel suffering physically am not fit and unfit to wear my favorite clothes which was not acceptable the new change in physique.

Suryanamaskar made quicker recovery

I had a C-section delivery and though there was physical pain, yoga and meditation played a significant role in relaxing my mind and helping me settle within. It gave me immense support in handling the emotions I was going through and develop a strength that enabled me to take care of myself as well as my baby. It is usually advised by doctors to avoid yoga postures for the first six months after delivery. As such, I started with meditation and pranayama as soon as I was comfortable to sit. After about six months, I started with a few gentle yoga poses and gradually moved on to Sun Salutation practices.

Lets start the 12 steps of Suryanamaskar

1. Pranamasana (Prayer pose):

Stand on the mat, keep your feet together and balance your weight equally on both the feet.

Expand your chest and relax your shoulders.

As you breathe in, lift both arms up from the sides and as you exhale, bring your palms together in front of the chest in prayer position.

2. Hasta utthanasana (Raised Arms pose)

Breathing in, lift the arms up and back, keeping the biceps close to the ears. 

In this pose, the effort is to stretch the whole body up from the heels to the tips of the fingers.

You may push the pelvis forward a little bit. Ensure you're reaching up with the fingers rather than trying to bend backwards.

3. Padahasthasana (Hand to Foot pose)

Breathing out, bend forward from the waist, keeping the spine erect.

As you exhale completely, bring the hands down to the floor, beside the feet.

Now make a gentle effort to straighten the knees.

It's a good idea to keep the hands fixed in this position and not move them henceforth until we finish the sequence.

4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

Breathing in, push your right leg back, as far back as possible.

Ensure that the left foot is exactly in between the palms.

Same to be followed for the next set, which means left leg back and right leg front. 

5. Parvatasana(Mountain pose)

As you breathe out, take the left leg back and bring the whole body in a straight line.

Keep your arms perpendicular                                                         to the floor.

6. Ashtanga Namaskar (Salute with eight parts)

                                                 Gently bring your knees down  to  the floor and exhale.
Take the hips back slightly, slide forward, rest your chest and chin on the floor.

Raise your posterior a little bit.

The two hands, two feet, two knees, chest and chin (eight parts of the body touch the floor).

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

Slide forward and raise the chest up into the Cobra posture.
You may keep your elbows bent in this pose, the shoulders away from the ears. Look up.
As you inhale, make a gentle effort to push the chest and navel forward. Tuck the toes under.

Ensure you're stretching just as much as you can; do not force.

8. Parvatasana (Mountain pose)

Breathing out, lift the hips and the tail bone up, chest downwards in an inverted V' (/\) posture.

If possible, try and keep the heels on the ground and make a gentle effort to lift the tailbone up, going deeper into the stretch.

9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

Breathing in, bring the right foot forward in between the two hands, left knee down to the floor, press the hips down and                                                         look up. 

Place the right foot exactly between the two hands and the right calf perpendicular to the floor. 

In this position, make a gentle effort to push the hips down towards the floor, to deepen the stretch.                         

10. Padahastasana (Hand to Foot pose)

Breathing out, bring the left foot forward. Keep the palms on the floor.

Gently straighten the knees and if you can, try and touch your nose to the knees. Keep breathing.

11. Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms pose)

Breathing in, roll the spine up, hands go up and bend backwards a little bit, pushing the hips slightly outward.

Ensure that your biceps are beside your ears. 
The idea is to stretch up more rather than stretching backwards.

12. Pranamasana

As you exhale, first straighten the body, then bring the arms down. Relax in this position, observe the sensations in your body.

Above pictures and explanation shows how to do Suryanamaskar. Usually Suryanamaskar is practiced in a slow pace. but here, it has to be done in faster move. There's no need of breathe hold. Just in normal breathe we have to do. But as always slow and steady wins the race. Better start up with slow pace if you are doing for the first time. And once we get stamina we can do faster. Its like a cardio workout, so as faster we do we can burn calorie and fat. 

When you start the first day of practice start like 1--2--3 etc. then gradually increase the speed as 123......

After doing Suryanamaskar, please end up in savasana as it relax the whole body. Also you can do meditation along with it which is an added advantage.

Do's and Don'ts:

1. Starters do in slow pace and gradually increase the speed.
2. It can be done as many times.
3. In between break can be taken.
4. Can sip little water and again start.
5. If you feel that your energy is getting dropped down, you can go to Savasana, but not to continue again the same day.
6. Savasana should be the last step, that is relaxation. 

Enjoy Motherhood With Healthy Body And Mind

Motherhood is meant to be celebrated and enjoyed and you can only do this when you are in the present moment, with a calm state of mind and a healthy body. When you make Yoga and Meditation a part of your daily life, you becomes sensitive to your body as well as your baby’s needs. Now i can say am immensly happy with what i dreamt whichothers said that i cannot, came true. Enjoying Motherhood with a Healthy Body and Mind. It’s like growing up each day with your baby!

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