Friday 8 May 2015

How To Get A Flawless And Glowing Skin Naturally

We use many beauty products to get that wonderful glow. But needless to say, may be few may have worked out, but was it really made wonders to get a glowing skin????

Dull and loathsome skin besides being the result of external sources like unhealthy lifestyle also happens due to mental conditions like stress and unhappiness. It is easy for people when they say to throw away all stress but we alone know how difficult that is. 

Mudra helps out effectively when it comes to reducing stress and worries. We have heard natural way to get glowing skin is by practicing yoga regularly. You could very well try yoga. yoga have to be practiced in the morning or in evening in empty stomach. So what about  rest of the times. Work work work. We may hardly find time to relax, may be 30 minutes. In that 30  minutes, why don't we sit and relax for 10 minutes and do this mudra without any tension, that too while sitting on the usual place!!!! Wondering what exercise is that. Usual saying is "No Pain No Gain". 

Why don't we change this proverb. Here comes an easy go exercise with our fingers which gonna do miracles for getting glowing skin. So lets see the miracles which is called as Mudra. First lemme tell you what is mudra and how to do. So lets begin.......Sit, relax and get the result....


The science of Mudra as an integral part of Varmam was in wide practice successfully thousands of years ago in India, especially in Southern India particularly among the Tamil population. These techniques are based on self-sustenance. Each and every individual can fulfill the basic medical needs by himself or herself without the need for special tools or external medicines to be introduced.

The ability to control the body and mind through our Fingers is Mudra. In short, the practice of Mudra refers to practicing various finger postures or arrangements over a specific period of time while in a particular state of mind. Our body works on the principles of the Five universal elements i.e. Water(little finger), Earth(ring finger), Sky(middle finger), Air(index finger), Fire(thumb finger). The control center for these elements is our fingers. This is the main secret of the Mudra science!

Lets see how Mudra practice helps to get  flawless skin

There is a saying that an "Apple keeps away the Doctor". As it is, regular practice of Mudra keep us away from using chemical filled up products. 

Nowadays we hardly find time to do exercise. For such busy bees introducing a new technique to get glowing skin naturally. 

This particular mudra for glowing skin is called as UNARCHI MUDRA

 Step 1
As shown in the step 1 figure, fold all the fingers except thumb finger of your right hand. 

Fold all fingers of the left hand around the right thumb as shown in the figure

Duration: 20-30 minutes

This unarchi mudra helps to

  1. Get glowing face,
  2. Removes the wrinkles in the face and neck region. 

As a reader i too had many question, when i learnt this Mudra from my Guruji, soon after doing regularly this mudra, my doubts was cleared and am ready to teach what i have learnt. 

1. How just a finger does miracle?

Based on the philosophy of nature, our fingers represents the five elements: water, earth, sky, air and fire. So as to have a regularity in our body's functioning and to have a healthy life, practicing Mudra is very essential. 

2. While doing mudra is there any diet to be followed?

No diet to be followed, but its better to avoid deep fried foods and junk foods which is harmful always whether you do exercise or not. 

3. Which is the ideal place for doing mudra?

There is no particular place for doing mudra as such. The place we sit and sleep is more than enough to do mudra.  

4. Is it possible to get immediate results?

Usually, the changes can be felt immediately. Depending upon the severity. The effect of mudra can be felt by doing continuous usuage.

5. Will there be any side effects for doing this mudra?

Never ever, mudra are not like the medicine from outside, hence we can use it with secure feeling.

6. Can we stand or walk and do mudra?

Its not advisable to do mudra while walking and standing. Better our feet should not touch the floor as there is a possibility for the electricity generated in our body to flow into the ground and get wasted. 

7. How long can we do this mudra in a day?

Per day one can do mudra totally for 1 hour.

8. How do we know if this mudra are benefiting us?

We eat when we hungry, we sleep when we feel sleepy. Likewise by doing this mudra will get us cured when affected.

9. If our fingers don't cooperate to the mudra shown in the figure, then how do we do the mudra?

 "Practice makes A Man Perfect". So don't give up till you succeed. 


Concentrate on the purpose of doing the mudra so that you can get the expected result.

People wearing spectacles must do the mudra after removing it.

Avoid tight jewels in hand and finger while doing mudra.

Readers is there anything else apart from this doubts. if so let us know and we are here to help you out....

Doing this mudra in regularly gives you a  Flawless And Glowing Skin Naturally ....

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